This document is intended to fix the rules for use and to safeguard protection of the users of www.corsocomo52.it website (hereinafter, the Website), which H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. makes available to users who access the Web Site in order to provide them with information about its services, and also provide them with access to the booking service via the www.corsocomo52.it website, owned by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. .
According to Directive 2000/31 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June, on certain aspects of the services of the information and the Italian Law 34/2002, of July 11, services of the information society and electronic commerce of the information services offered through the Web Site are provided by Italy by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. .
Through the Web site, and other similar addresses, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. aims to bring to its users. To this end, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. makes available, via the Website, information and related services such as restaurant food service online bookings, pre-booking service, prior reservation of banquets, image databases, Customer Support Manager, member information, work bag, and various promotions constant evolution (hereinafter, the services).
2.Use of the website and services
2.1 The User agrees to use the Website and the services made available through the website in accordance with the law, morals, good customs and public order as well as to the provisions in these operating instructions. Consequently, it is forbidden to use the Website and Services, for illicit purposes or effects and / or contrary to what is stated in these Rules Notice, damaging to the rights and / or interests of third parties or which may in any so cause damage to the Website or prevent normal as well as the use of the services accessible through the same, by other users, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and / or its image.
2.2 H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. unilaterally modify, to facilitate the functioning of the Web Site and to the benefit of users, at any time and without notice, the services provided or any substantial aspect of this site as well as the operational, technical or usage of the Web Site. Likewise, to allow users to improve service and establish an optimal level of quality, ultimate goal of H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L., will be able to suggest any modifications they may consider useful by contacting the site owners to corsocomo52@ashotels.it e-mail address.
2.3 The website users will be required to observe any instructions received by e-mail, the Web Site or forwarded by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and by duly authorized personnel.
2.4 Please note that when you make a reservation, you will be automatically redirected to the website of www.corsocomo52.it, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. properties as of that moment will apply the general contracting conditions present in this Web site.
- Protection of personal data of users by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L.
The User of the Site that provides personal data within the services offered by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L., offers such personal data voluntarily (hereinafter, personal data) to be subjected to electronic processing edited by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L.and then placed in a file in order to lend and offer their services. This file is the responsibility of H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and it has been registered or otherwise in writing with the competent authority.
Given the characteristics of the activity and the services of H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and in order for it to develop and meet its objectives, it is necessary to transfer of personal data to third parties, including international transfers. This assignment or transfer of personal data may be made to the company H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and / or other interested parties. The transfer of personal data to such companies is purely for the proper provision of services offered by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L.
The data subjects may, at any time, access the file and exercise their rights of rectification, cancellation and opposition to the terms of the Privacy Act. Furthermore, the consent given by you to the development and transfer of their personal data will be revocable at all times without retroactive effect, in accordance with Art. 6 and 11 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data.
To do so, simply contact H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L., which guarantees that it has in its facilities, systems and files the necessary safety measures. H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. guarantees the confidentiality of personal data. However, it will reveal to the competent public authorities upon request, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions applicable from time to time, the personal data and any other information in its possession or accessible through its systems. The website users guarantee and respond in any case for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of personal data provided and undertake to keep them duly updated.
The H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. services are not intended for minors. H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. neither requests nor collects information relating to minors.
H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. may collect information through such devices as cookies or log files navigation of its users on the Website . These devices are exclusively associated with a single user and their own PC . H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. will use such data only for a total of improving its services. H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. will eventually share this information with client companies but always globally and for statistical purposes.
- Reasons for exclusion
H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. reserves the right to exclude, temporarily or permanently, the members in the following cases:
- Breach of any of the general conditions of use referred to in this document.
- Breach of the laws, morals and public order.
The User exclusion shall not assume, by H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L., the renunciation to take the appropriate legal action or compensation provided for in law.
- Right to modify the rules of use
H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without notice, any terms and conditions set out in these operating instructions according to the conditions that it considers appropriate. Likewise, it will give notice to you of the changes via the Web Site.
- Intellectual property and copyright
All information to the web site, its graphic design and code in HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script or Active X, are protected by copyright or other intellectual property protection rights. These rights belong exclusively to H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. or respecting licensees. Web users who access this website may view the information contained in the same, download or reproduce them for private use on their computer system, provided that the copied elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed in a server connected to the Internet or a local network. Subject to the Notice contained in these Rules, the distribution, modification is prohibited, transfer, public communication, reproduction or any other act, in whole or in part, of the information published on the Website without prior permission from H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. .
The User will be required to use the contents and information contained on the Website in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, solely for personal, noncommercial use, provided that fails elimination or modification of the content or any reference character, copyright and other data Identification of H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. rights or third parties. The reproduction, copying, distribution or publication, regardless of its type, the content of the information published on the Website without prior permission in writing from H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. The authorization concerning the reproduction can be requested at corsocomo52@ashotels.it e-mail address.
If a User or third party considers that one of the contents in which the Website has reached the market through contravention of copyright and other rights to the protection of intellectual property, please notify in H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. sending e-mail to corsocomo52@ashotels.it at least the following data: a) name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant; b) the copyright owner data or other proprietary rights of intellectual property subject of any infringement; c) reporting contravened content and their location on the Website; d) declaration stating that the content has been without the express permission of the copyright or other intellectual property rights. Notwithstanding the reported with the preceding chapters, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current legislation on advertising, copyright and other rights designed to protect intellectual property.
- Hiperlink
7.1 If you call back www.corsocomo52.it by links to advertising or to third-party websites, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. is not obliged to control or previously control, nor endorse or own the services, contents, data, files, products and any kind of material existing in the site or in third-party websites. Therefore, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. not respond, in any case, the legality of the contents of this site / these sites being the sole responsibility of the third , by way of example and not limitation, compliance with the law, morals, good customs and public order, content and the fact that the same does not infringe any rights of third parties. The presence of a hyperlink does not presuppose any relationship between H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and the owner of the website where the link is established .
7.2 Users or third parties to establish a hyperlink to the Web Site will be required to ensure that hyperlink allows only the access to the sites or services of the Web site without realizing , for example, but not limited to, reproduction of contents, deep -link , browsers, inaccurate or incorrect statements, contents or on the Web site. Except for the signs that are part of hyperlink, the User will be required to ensure that the web site that will contain hyperlink not contain brands, trade names, exercise signs, names, logos , slogans or any type of distinctive sign belonging to H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L.
- Exclusion from guarantees and responsibility
8.1 H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. does not guarantee the reliability or availability or continuity of the operation of its site or the products and services made available to the user, it is not liable for any damages of any kind due to the unavailability, reliability or continuity of its website and its services, although it will work to facilitate as far as possible, the technical help to the person concerned.
8.2 H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. does not undertake to monitor and does not previously control the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause changes to the software or hardware of the users or the people who visit the sites and therefore not liable for damages of any nature arising from same.
8.3 H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. does not undertake to monitor and does not previously control nor endorse or own the services, contents, data, files, products or any kind of material on this site or in third-party websites. Therefore, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. not respond, in any case, the legality of the contents of their site. The responsibility lies exclusively with the third party, by way of example and without limitation, with regard to respect for the law, morals, good customs and public order, content and the fact that the same does not infringe any rights of third parties.
8.4 H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. does not undertake to monitor and does not control, nor does it guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of operation of the products or services provided to the user by third parties housed outside of the website. Therefore we disclaim any and all liability for any damages of any kind due to the unavailability, reliability and continuity of their website or their services . The user liable for damages of any nature caused to H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. as a result of default by the same, the law or any of the general conditions set out in this agreement.
- Protection of the Rules of Use
If any provision of these Terms of Use be declared void or ineffective, the remaining conditions shall be maintained in the agreed terms. H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. undertakes to substitute the affected by nullity provision that most closely complies with the intent initially pursued by the parties.
- Governing law and jurisdiction
The regulations of use are governed by Italian law. For the settlement of any dispute arising from the validity , execution, compliance and resolution of all or part of those rules, H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and users are subjected, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction or any other bore their due , to the competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Monza. This contract constitutes the total and complete agreement between H.I.L.T.O.N. – C.B. S.R.L. and user and substitutes all previous pacts, undertakings, statements and agreements whether written or oral, that may have existed previously between the parties.